引用本文:姜 珂1, 2, 张小娟1 .制造商公平关切行为对绿色供应链生态标签策略的影响研究[J].财经理论与实践,2022,(5):116-122
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姜 珂1, 2, 张小娟1  (1. 南京信息工程大学商学院江苏 南京 2100442. 南京信息工程大学江北新区发展研究院江苏 南京 210044) 
中文关键词:制造商公平关切  生态标签策略  绿色供应链  Stackelberg博弈
The Influence of Manufacturer’s Fairness Concern on Eco-Labeling Strategy of Green Supply Chain
Abstract:In terms of manufacturer’s fairness concern, a manufacturer-led Stackelberg game model under the self-labeling and industry certification eco-labeling strategies is constructed, to investigate the influence of different levels of manufacturer’s fairness concern on the optimal equilibrium decision of each member in the green supply chain, respectively. The results show that, when the manufacturer is fair and neutral, its profit is greater than the retailer’s regardless of the self-labeling strategy or industry certification eco-labeling strategy. When the manufacturer is concerned about fairness, compared with the self-labeling strategy, with the increase of manufacturers’ fairness concern degree, the greenness of unit product, the retail price difference per unit and green promotion effort level are slightly higher under the industry certification strategy, and show an increasing trend. The intermediate profit between manufacturer’s cost and wholesale price is also slightly higher but shows a downward trend. Under the industry certification strategy, the retailer’s optimal utility is higher, while the manufacturer’s optimal utility is slightly lower; however, the total utility of green supply chain system increases continuously with the increase of manufacturers’ fairness concern.
keywords:manufacturer fairness concerns  eco-labeling strategy  green supply chain  Stackelberg game
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