引用本文:麻昌华,唐 鑫.从“赋权”到“协同共进”:个人信息保护研究范式的转换[J].财经理论与实践,2022,(3):151-158
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麻昌华,唐 鑫 (中南财经政法大学 法学院湖北 武汉 430073) 
中文关键词:个人信息保护  “赋权”范式  法律与技术  协同共进
From “Empowerment” to “Synergistic and Common Advance”: The Transformation of Research Paradigm for Personal Information Protection
Abstract:Giving individuals the right to control their personal information is the mainstream paradigm of personal information legislation and academic discussions in China. However, the "Empowerment" paradigm did not provide effective protection for personal information. Therefore, it is necessary to further explore the future research paradigm. The law and technology “Synergistic and Common Advance” paradigm is a research paradigm that emphasizes the use of legal and technical perspectives to study personal information protection issues. The members of the scientific community assembled in this paradigm will seek innovations in the basic theories and institutional schemes based on respecting and understanding the respective characteristics and internal relations of law and technology. The formation of this paradigm is not only supported by solid practical and theoretical foundations, but also helps to break the thinking blind spot of the “Empowerment” paradigm and promotes mutual exchange between law and computer science. Finally, this new paradigm will enable us to obtain a personal information protection framework that is more sophisticated than direct empowerment.
keywords:personal information protection  “Empowerment” paradigm  law and technology  Synergistic and Common Advance
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