引用本文:曹 强,陈 虎.货币政策立场与大宗商品价格的非线性关系——基于大宗商品金融化程度的视角[J].财经理论与实践,2022,(3):18-25
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曹 强,陈 虎 (安徽财经大学 金融学院安徽 蚌埠 233000) 
中文关键词:货币政策立场  金融化程度  TVP-SVAR-SV模型  MS-VAR模型
Nonlinear Relationship between Monetary Policy Stance and Commodity Prices--A Perspective of Commodity Financialization
Abstract:Running both the TVP-SVAR-SV and MS-VAR models on the monthly data from March 2008 to June 2020, this paper investigates the nonlinear relationship between monetary policy stance and commodity prices. The results are as follows: first, the monetary policy stance has a significant time-varying effect on commodity prices, with the short-term effect significantly larger than the long-term one; second, the effect is stronger and lasts longer in the highly financialized zone; third, comparing with that of anticipated monetary policy, the impact of unanticipated monetary policy is more significant, indicating the importance of the monetary policy stance.
keywords:monetary policy stance  financialization degree  TVP-SVAR-SV model  MS-VAR model
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