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单飞跃,祝沁磊 (上海财经大学 法学院上海 200433) 
中文关键词:基本医疗服务  基本医疗保险  衔接  个人账户  基金
Legal Path of Coordination between Basic Medical Service and Basic Medical Insurance Systems
Abstract:Nowadays the laws and regulations of basic medical service and basic medical insurance systems are not coordinated. The protection of rights and interests of the insured and the demand of basic medical supply are not efficient. The standard of basic medical insurance and supply of the basic medical service are not unified. The powers of financial support to basic medical insurance fund are decentralized. Individual account of basic medical insurance hinders the development of basic medical services. We shall enact the Regulation of Basic Medical Insurance to make the coordination between basic medical service and basic medical insurance. The supply of basic medical service shall be deliberated by the National People’s Congress annually to ensure the rights to stay informed about to participate, to make their decisions and to supervise by the insured and the demand side. The central government should collect the fund raising right of basic medical insurance to ensure the uniformity of raising standards to achieve the equillibrium of the supply of the basic medical service. We shall increase financial support for basic medical institutions to ensure the fairness of basic medical service supply. We shall gradually abolish the individual account of basic medical insurance to make full play of the mutual aid role of basic medical insurance funds.
keywords:basic medical service  basic medical insurance  coordination  individual account  fund
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