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郭秀云,陈奕男 (华东政法大学 政治学与公共管理学院上海 201620) 
中文关键词:国有资本  养老保险基金  OLG模型  最优划转率
A Research on the Optimal Transfer Rate of State-owned Capital to Pension Insurance Fund:Comparative Static Analysis Based on OLG Model
Abstract:This paper discusses the relationship among the transfer of state-owned capital, the reform of pension insurance system and the evolution of demographic structure based on Over Lapping Generation Model (OLG Model). Assuming that the social security fund’s shares keep unchanged and dividends are obtained from the net income of state-owned capital, with personal accounts being financed, the transfer rate is shown to be between 55% and 65% under both medium and high fertility schemes, which can maximize the social welfare, achieve target replacement rate, and consider the turning point of consumption at a young age. However, the current policy transfer rate is 10%, which is still greatly lower than the ideal standards. In order to ensure the targets of social welfare and replacement rate, it is necessary to increase the transfer rate of state-owned capital, optimize institutional parameters, supplemented by other measures to improve the operating environment of the system.
keywords:state-owned capital  pension insurance fund  OLG model  optimum transfer rate
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