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蒋少翔,董志勇 (北京大学 经济学院北京 100871) 
中文关键词:银行监管  企业融资  巴塞尔协议  金融改革
A Cross-country Empirical Analysis of Bank Regulation and Firm Financing
Abstract:Based on the cross-country data of the World Bank’s surveys on banking supervision and micro-enterprises in various countries from 2006 to 2010, empirically studies the impact of the three means of banking supervision in Basel Accord on enterprise financing. The results show that both capital adequacy requirements and private sector monitoring will reduce enterprise financing availability, which is more obvious for small and medium-sized enterprises, while the regulatory power of government departments can improve the financing availability. According to these conclusions, the design of regulatory mechanism should fully consider the impact on the financing of enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. It also needs carefully adjust the capital adequacy ratio and the regulatory requirements for the private sector, and properly applies the regulatory power of government departments to achieve a win-win situation of financial stability, and enhance the real economy capability of financial services, and enhance the real economy capability of financial services.
keywords:bank regulation and supervision  firm access to finance  Basel Accord  financial reform
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