引用本文:刘 烨,刘雨辰,蒋 凤.境内外IPO对企业创新的异质影响研究[J].财经理论与实践,2022,(2):2-9
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刘 烨,刘雨辰,蒋 凤 (南京大学 工程管理学院江苏 南京 210093) 
中文关键词:境内IPO  境外IPO  创业企业  创新  专利
Heterogeneous Influence of Domestic and Overseas IPO on Entrepreneurial Firm Innovation
Abstract:Based on the sample of venture capital supported entrepreneurial firms, this paper uses Difference-in-Difference (DID) and Difference-in-Difference-in-Difference (DDD) methods to explore the heterogeneous influence of domestic and overseas IPO on entrepreneurial innovation. Our analysis shows that both domestic IPO and overseas IPO can significantly boost entrepreneurial innovation by mitigating financing constraints of entrepreneurial firms, but also hamper entrepreneurial innovation by exacerbating managerial myopia. Since the problem of managerial myopia caused by overseas IPO is more serious, domestic IPO turns out to have a more significant positive effect on entrepreneurial innovation.
keywords:domestic IPO  overseas IPO  entrepreneurial firms  innovation  patent
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