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顾海峰,谢疏影 (东华大学 旭日工商管理学院上海 200051) 
中文关键词:互联网金融  商业银行  流动性创造  银行业景气度  金融脱媒
Does Internet Finance Affect the Liquidity Creation of Commercial Banks?
Abstract:This paper gives an empirical analysis of the influence of internet finance on bank liquidity creation and its mechanism by selecting the annual data of 98 commercial banks in China from 2010 to 2019. This research shows that: Internet finance has an impact on bank profitability by diverting bank deposits and wealth management funds. The resulting "catfish effect" will force banks to increase the mismatch of deposit and loan maturity to ease the downward pressure on their earnings, thereby promoting the creation of bank liquidity. Compared with state-owned banks and urban and rural commercial banks, Internet finance has a greater role in promoting the liquidity creation of joint-stock banks. Financial disintermediation only plays an asymmetrical intermediary role in the relationship between Internet finance and liquidity creation, but the transmission channel of "third-party payment-financial disintermediation-bank liquidity creation" is invalid. The improvement of the prosperity of the banking industry will intensify the promotion of Internet finance to the creation of liquidity, and the creation of bank liquidity has a procyclical tendency.
keywords:internet finance  commercial bank  liquidity creation  bank industry boom  financial disintermediation
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