引用本文:张 强1,苗 龙1,汪春雨2,胡海晨3.新时代中国能源安全及保障策略研究——基于推进“一带一路”能源高质量合作视角[J].财经理论与实践,2021,(5):116-123
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张 强1,苗 龙1,汪春雨2,胡海晨3 (1.首都经济贸易大学 城市经济与公共管理学院北京 1000702.对外经济贸易大学 国际经济贸易学院北京 1000293.石河子大学 经济与管理学院新疆 石河子 832003) 
中文关键词:新时代  “一带一路”  高质量合作  能源安全
Research on China's Energy Security and Protection Strategies in the New Era Based on the Perspective of Promoting the Belt and Road Energy High-quality Cooperation
Abstract:Energy is an important support for the development of the national economy, and energy security is crucial for national security. China's energy security is undergoing unpromising situation, caused by many factors such as the continual expanding gap between China's energy supply and demand, the tardy progress in the optimization of the energy consumption structure, the increased concentration of energy import sources. The countries along the Belt and Road are rich in oil and gas resources, which provides an important opportunity for energy high-quality cooperation, also provides a strong guarantee for solving China's energy supply security. It is urgent for the government, companies, financial institutions and social organizations to focus precisely and work together to promote energy cooperation towards high-quality development between China and countries along the Belt and Road in the new era. Government should continue to play the role of top-level design, enterprises are required to actively playing the leading role in economic development, financial institutions should take the initiative to play a supporting role, the social organizations should pay attention to giving full play to their bridge's effect. 
keywords:new era  The Belt and Road  high-quality cooperation  energy security
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