引用本文:李 毅,石威正,胡宗义 .基于CGE模型的碳税政策双重红利效应研究[J].财经理论与实践,2021,(4):82-89
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李 毅,石威正,胡宗义  (湖南大学 金融与统计学院,湖南 长沙 410006) 
中文关键词:碳税  能源-经济-环境系统  双重红利  可计算一般均衡模型
Research on Double Dividend of Carbon Tax Policy Based on CGE Model
Abstract:Based on the 2017 input-output table, this paper compiles a social accounting matrix, and systematically analyses the impact of carbon tax collection on the energy-economy-environment system under different carbon tax levels through a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, and then reveals whether the implementation of the carbon tax policy can achieve the double dividend effect of environmental protection and economic development. The results show that the levy of carbon tax can reduce the consumption of fossil energy and promote the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, and as the level of carbon tax increases, its carbon reduction effect is more obvious. At the same time, levying carbon tax will contribute to the transformation of the industrial structure, but it will have a significant negative impact on economic growth, household consumption and corporate income. In the short term, the carbon tax policy cannot achieve the double dividend effect of reducing carbon and promoting growth. Therefore, in order to achieve a win-win situation of environmental protection and economic development, the implementation of carbon tax policies should be supplemented by reasonable economic policies.
keywords:carbon tax  energy-economy-environment system  double dividend  computable general equilibrium model
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