引用本文:詹 花 秀.论国内经济大循环的动能提升——基于资源配置视角的分析[J].财经理论与实践,2021,(3):78-84
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詹 花 秀 (中共湖南省委党校 期刊社湖南 长沙 410006) 
中文关键词:双循环发展新格局  发展动能  资源配置  创新发展  绿色发展
Promotion of Momentum in the Domestic Economic Cycle Based on the Perspective of Resource Allocation
Abstract:Affected by Covid 19, the international economic situation has changed with the rising of trade protectionism and anti globalization trends. However, the fact that the international division of labor has developed further and the international economic ties are deepening will not change. Trade protectionism is actually a kind of international competition and a competitive strategy. Facing the rise of trade protectionism, China has proposed to build a "new pattern of double circulation development" and adopted a new development strategy. The primary condition for a smooth economic cycle is the effective connection of production and consumption. Whether it is in a domestic or international economic cycle, the effective allocation of resources and the adjustment of industrial structure are issues that will inevitably be involved. In recent times, to realize the efficient allocation of resources, enhance development momentum, expand the domestic economic cycle and build a new pattern of dual cycle benign development, The actions we have to take are (1) to achieve the transformation of development mode, dredge circulation and distribution channels and promote the balance of domestic production and consumption; (2) to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all groups, classes and regions across the country so that we can incorporate more resources into the double circulation; (3) to occupy the commanding heights of science and technology, implement a technology for market strategy and explore higher levels of opening up.
keywords:new pattern of double circulation development  momentum development  resource allocation  innovative development  green development
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