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阳立高1,彭頔雯1,杨崇峻2,易显飞3 (1. 长沙理工大学 经济与管理学院湖南 长沙 4101142. 湖南大学 经济与贸易学院湖南 长沙 4100823. 长沙理工大学 社会治理创新研究中心湖南 长沙 410114) 
中文关键词:新生代劳动力  供给数量  供给质量  出口国内附加值
Research on the Impact of New Generation Labor Supply Change on Export Domestic Value Added
Abstract:Based on China's industrial enterprise database, customs trade database and new generation labor data, we examine the impact of changes in the supply of new generation labor on the domestic value added of exports. Studies have shown that the increase in the supply quantity and quality of new generation labor both help to increase the export DVAR, and the increase in the quality of the supply of new generation labor has a more obvious effect; in coastal areas, the increase in the supply of new generation labor influence export DVAR, and its role in inland areas is not significant. The mechanism test shows that the increase in the supply quantity and quality of new generation labor will increase the export DVAR by increasing the total factor productivity. Moreover, compared with the increase in the supply quantity of the new generation of labor, the increase in the supply quality of the new generation of labor has a bigger push on the export DVAR by improving the total factor productivity.
keywords:new generation of labor  supply quantity  supply quality  export domestic value added
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