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俞富坤1,2,盛宇华1 (1.南京师范大学 商学院江苏 南京 2100002.扬州科技学院 管理学院江苏 扬州 225000) 
中文关键词:资本结构  盈亏风险  多样性 
The Effect of Capital Structure on Profitability——An Empirical Analysis of China's Privately Owned Public Manufacturing Firms
Abstract:The current research that studies firm's profitability is mainly based on the trade off theory, which states a positive and linear association between the bankruptcy risk and leverage level. This theory, however, ignores the benefit of debt. According to the agency and signaling theory, increasing debt could help reduce agency costs, increase investment efficiency and improve external monitoring. This indicates that, for firms with different capital structure, the factors that affect their profitability are different. Also, the magnitude of one factor's effect should be different across different firms. Therefore, firms with different capital structure should take a variety of actions to prevent loss.
keywords:capital structure  profitability  variety
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