引用本文:曾 益,李 姝.划转国有股能化解养老金支付危机吗?[J].财经理论与实践,2021,(3):28-34
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曾 益,李 姝 (中南财经政法大学 公共管理学院湖北 武汉 430073) 
中文关键词:划转国有股  养老金  支付危机  基金可持续
Can the Transfer of State Owned Shares Resolve the Pension Payment Crisis?
Abstract:Based on the actuarial models, this paper analyzes the impact of transferring state owned shares to pension insurance fund, so as to resolve the pension payment crisis caused by aging and promote the long term balance of pension insurance fund. The study found that the transfer of 10% of state owned shares can delay the time when the fund begins to accumulate deficits; on this basis, the introduction of the social security collection system reform and the postponement of the retirement age policy can further improve the sustainability of the fund. At this time, after the minimum proportion of transferred state owned shares is reduced to 0.56% 4.68%, the goal of fund balance can still be achieved. In order to effectively narrow the pension gap, the policy of transferring state owned shares to enrich the social security fund should be implemented as soon as possible, supplemented by other measures to improve the fund's ability to pay.
keywords:transferring of state owned shares  pension  payment crisis  fund sustainability
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