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沈沛龙,郭丽娟 (山西财经大学 金融学院山西 太原 030006) 
中文关键词:金融中介  影子银行  资产价格  经济波动  DSGE模型
Heterogeneous Financial Intermediaries, Asset Prices and Business Cycles
Abstract:Since the 2008 global financial crisis, people have gradually realized that the inherent risks of financial intermediaries and their optimization behaviors have an important impact on economic cycle. We construct a DSGE model that includes heterogeneous financial intermediaries to explore the mechanism that intermediaries spread to the real economy through asset prices and leverage. Facts have proved that increasing the net value of financial intermediaries has a greater impact on the macro economy than directly relaxing credit constraints. The two intermediary model including shadow banking has an amplifying effect on the financial sector and macroeconomic variables. Regulatory policies on shadow banking will also cause differences, so policymakers have a trade off between maintaining financial stability and the growth of economic activity by controlling the size of shadow banking.
keywords:financial intermediary  shadow banking  asset prices  business cycles  DSGE model
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