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丁宇刚,孙祁祥 (北京大学 经济学院北京 100871) 
中文关键词:自然灾害  农业保险  道德风险  农业经济
Does Agricultural Insurance Mitigate the Negative Impact of Natural Disaster on the Agricultural Economy?
Abstract:This paper develops a dynamic model that integrates agricultural natural hazard, agricultural insurance, and moral hazard. The model shows that natural disaster reduces agricultural output, and that agricultural insurance is effective in reducing the negative impact of natural disaster on agricultural production only when the impact of moral hazard is small. The empirical results show that increase of agricultural insurance coverage from 1 RMB premium income can reduce the loss of primary industry output caused by natural disaster by about 8.19 RMB. Meanwhile, this paper does not find any significant moral hazard in the agricultural insurance market at aggregated provincial level, which is consistent with the prediction of the model.
keywords:natural disaster  agricultural insurance  moral hazard  agricultural economy
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