引用本文:许 丹 琳.我国要约规制型消费者冷静期制度的反思与完善[J].财经理论与实践,2020,(6):149-154
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许 丹 琳 (贵州财经大学 文法学院贵州 贵阳 550025) 
中文关键词:消费者保护  制度类型化  要约规制  信息不对称
Reflection and Improvement of the Offer Regulation Cooling-off Periods
Abstract:The cooling-off period is a system of consumer protection. On the basis of different types of information asymmetry, the adjustment objects of the calm period system can be divided into two types. Article 25 of the consumer protection law in China focuses on the offer regulation type. This system is effective, but reflection on the practice of legislation, there are still many problems. Therefore, article 25 can be reinterpreted in the future improvement of the system. Through by means of determining the scope of application and refine legal norms to improve the system.
keywords:consumer protection  researches on types  offer regulation  information asymmetry
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