引用本文:汪 忠,雷冬娣,唐 苗.女性社会企业家创业动机、社会拼凑与反贫困创新绩效关系研究[J].财经理论与实践,2020,(6):94-102
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汪 忠,雷冬娣,唐 苗 (湖南大学 工商管理学院,湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:女性社会企业家  社会拼凑  反贫困创新绩效
Research on the Relationship between Female Social Entrepreneur Motivation, Social Bricolage and Anti-Poverty Innovation Performance
Abstract:The social trend of "feminization of poverty" is remarkable. Actually, women have become the main target of global anti-poverty and the main force against poverty. As a form of anti-poverty innovation, women's social entrepreneurship has not received much attention from scholars, and related research is very scarce. A systematic review of the literature on women's social entrepreneurship and social patchwork at home and abroad has helped build a relatively complete theoretical foundation, and further enriched the gender and bricolage research in the field of social entrepreneurship. To analyze the relationship between female social entrepreneurs' entrepreneurial motivation, social bricolage and anti-poverty innovation performance, using SEM to analyze 206 questionnaires, the following conclusions were reached:(1) Female social entrepreneur survival motivation is negatively related to social bricolage, career motivation is positively related to social bricolage; (2) the social bricolage is positively related to anti-poverty innovation performance of female social entrepreneurs; (3) the social bricolage has a mediating effect between the female social entrepreneur entrepreneurial motivation and the anti-poverty innovation performance.
keywords:female social entrepreneurs social bricolage anti-poverty innovation performance
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