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杨胜刚,钟先茜,姚彦铭 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙 410079) 
中文关键词:沪港通  融资约束  信息质量  外部监督
Capital Market Liberalization and Corporate Financing Constraints:Evidence from Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect
Abstract:Taking Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect as a natural experiment, this article establish the propensity-score-matching and difference-in-difference model (PSM-DID) to examines the impact of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect on corporate financing constraints. The conclusion of the study found that the opening of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect can effectively reduce the degree of financial constraints of Chinese enterprises. This effect is more obvious in the samples of private enterprises, non-multinational enterprises with higher local judicial efficiency and higher market development level. The opening of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect can reduce the probability of companies falling into the financing constraint dilemma by improving the quality of corporate information disclosure and the degree of external supervision. The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect policy is conducive to releasing corporate financing constraints, which provides an important practical reference for the implementation of China's subsequent series of capital market opening policies.
keywords:Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect  financing constraints  information quality  external supervision
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