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陈黎明,王俊昊,赵婉茹,蔡乐颖 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院,湖南 长沙 410079) 
中文关键词:绿色全要素生产率  ML指数  影响因素  空间特征
Influencing Factors and Spatial Characteristics of Green Total Factor Productivity in China
Abstract:The non-radial, non-angle SBM directional distance function and ML index are used to incorporate indicators reflecting environmental pollution and energy consumption into the framework used to analyze productivity. We have measured ML index which can be decomposed into technological progress and technological efficiency changes and green total factor productivity (GTFP) of 30 provinces in 2008-2017. Spatial econometric model is used to explore the influencing factors and spatial characteristics of green total factor productivity. The results show that China's national average GTFP increased by 31.1% between 2008 and 2017 and it is mainly due to technological progress; the GTFP of all regions shows an increasing trend, and there are characteristics of technical efficiency decline and technological progress. Geographic proximity is the main factor leading to the spatial spillover effect. The direct effects and spatial spillover effects of various variables on GTFP, technological progress and technological efficiency improvement are different. The factors, such as R&D, FDI, and environmental regulation have significant effects on the growth of GTFP.
keywords:green total factor productivity (GTFP)  ML index  influencing factors  spatial characteristics
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