引用本文:梁 来 存.日照时间天气指数保险的费率厘定——以长沙县早稻作物为例[J].财经理论与实践,2020,(4):25-30
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梁 来 存 (广西财经学院 广西(东盟)财经研究中心广西 南宁 530003) 
中文关键词:粮食作物  日照时间  天气指数保险  费率厘定
The Ratemaking of Sunshine Time Index Insurance: A Case of Early Rice Crops in Changsha County
Abstract:Weather Index Insurance is an innovation of traditional agricultural insurance and area yield insurance. Accurate ratemaking of weather index insurance will contribute to overcome moral hazard and adverse selection, and ensure the rapid healthy development of crop insurance. The crop ratemaking method of sunshine time index insurance has been studied in this paper, including reckoning the too short(or too long)sunshine time measurements to measure the severity of too short (or too long)sunshine time, estimating meteorological yield reduction rates to analyze the effects of climate factors on grain crops, determining the quantitative relationship between meteorological yield reduction rates and the too short(or too long) sunshine time measurements by the methods of econometric analysis, calculating the premium rates of sunshine time index insurance on the quantitative relationship and the mathematical expectation values of the too short(or too long )sunshine time measurements.
keywords:crops  sunshine time  Weather Index Insurance  ratemaking
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