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俞毛毛,马妍妍 (对外经济贸易大学 国际经济贸易学院北京 100029) 
中文关键词:股票回购  现金股利  替代效应  研发强度  迎合投资
The Substituted Effect of Share Repurchase and Cash Dividend and Their Impact on R&D investment——Comparative Analysis from the Perspective of Catering Channel
Abstract:Traditionally, cash dividend and share repurchase are deemed as alternative methods to allocate firms' excess cash, and will both exert negative influence on investment activities. Meanwhile, the paradox of co-existence of R&D increase and dividend behavior still prevails in China's listed companies. Based on the paradox above, and on the listed samples of A shares ranging from 2014 to 2017, the paper analyzes substituted effect between cash dividend and share repurchase behavior on R&D investment through catering-effect channel. We can draw conclusion that share repurchase and cash dividend can both have positive influence on R&D intensity, but with different motives and under different conditions: as to cash dividend behavior, it can boost R&D intensity with equity-financing channel; as to share repurchase behavior, it can also boost R&D intensity through rational-catering channel.
keywords:share repurchase  cash dividend  substituted effect  R&D intensity  catering effect
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