引用本文:魏 琪1,2,陶 冶3.地方性银行产权结构、贷款供给与地方经济发展[J].财经理论与实践,2020,(2):24-32
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魏 琪1,2,陶 冶3 (1.重庆工商大学 长江上游经济研究中心/财政金融学院重庆 400067 2.西南大学 农林经济管理博士后流动站重庆 400715 3.湖南省农村信用社联合社湖南 长沙 410208) 
中文关键词:地方性银行  产权结构  经济增长  经济效率
Local Banks' Property Rights Structure, Loan Supply and Local Economic Development
Abstract:This paper measures local economic development from two dimensions of economic growth and economic efficiency. On the basis of theoretical analysis of the relationship between the property rights structure of local banks, loan supply and local economic development, using data from 67 local banks in China, we conducted an empirical research on whether local banks with different property rights have differences in terms of loan supply to promote local economic development, and further analyzed the differences between rural commercial banks and city commercial banks on the effect that promote urban and non-urban economic development. The study found: firstly, the more loans provided by local banks, the faster the local economy grows and the higher the local economic efficiency; secondly, there is no significant difference in the role of state-owned and non-state-controlled banks in terms of loans to promote local economic growth. However, in terms of loans to promote local economic efficiency, state-owned banks are weaker than non-state-controlled banks; and thirdly, the loans of city commercial banks and rural commercial banks can effectively promote urban economic development, and the effect is not significantly different, but they have not significantly promoted the non-urban economic development.
keywords:local bank  property rights structure  economic growth  economic efficiency
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