引用本文:邱 静,王 琪.提高盈余透明度能带来资本市场和企业双赢吗?——基于企业投资行为视角[J].财经理论与实践,2020,(1):71-77
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邱 静,王 琪 (贵州财经大学 会计学院贵州 贵阳 550025) 
中文关键词:盈余透明度  非效率投资  管理层权力
Can Improving the Earnings Transparency Achieve a Win-win for Both the Capital Market and Enterprises?——Based on the Perspective of Enterprise Investment Behavior
Abstract:As the key to the effective transmission of earnings quality, earnings transparency connects the capital market and enterprises. Under the more market-oriented stock issuance registration system in the future, earnings information is directly related to the judgment and decision of investors. The improvement of earnings transparency reduces information asymmetry, which is conducive to restraining enterprises' opportunistic behavior and effectively protecting investors' rights. However, can the improvement of earnings transparency bring benefits to the development of enterprises while it is beneficial to the development of capital market? Based on China's A-share listed companies from 2009 to 2018 as samples, the research explores the relationship between earnings transparency and corporate investment behavior. It finds out the positive influence from the earnings transparency to corporate investment efficiency, and improves that earnings transparency is a win-win behavior, which is not only an effective means for prevention and control of opportunistic behavior optimizing the environment of the capital market, but also strong factors for the healthy development of enterprises.
keywords:earnings transparency  inefficient investment  management power
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