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谢俊明,谢圣远 (深圳大学 经济学院, 广东 深圳 518060) 
中文关键词:货币价值波动  财富分配差距扩大  系统性金融风险
Fluctuation in Currency Value, Expansion of Wealth Distribution Gap and Systemic Financial Risk
Abstract:The data of 1990-2018 in China were selected as samples, and the structural vector autoregressive model (SVAR) was used to analyze the random variables by pulse analysis and variance decomposition. As a result of the pulse analysis, the initial fluctuations in the value of the currency led to an increase in systemic financial risk, which lagged behind the widening gap in wealth distribution. The expansion of the gap in wealth distribution has little impact on systemic financial risks, and then increases. As a result of variance decomposition, the impact of currency value fluctuations on systemic financial risks is greater, followed by the widening of wealth distribution gaps.
keywords:currency value fluctuation  wealth distribution gap widening  systemic financial risk
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