引用本文:田 杰1,殷玲燕2,靳景玉1.质量信号、投资人参与、项目经济性对农产品众筹融资达成率的影响——基于众筹网884个农业众筹项目的数据[J].财经理论与实践,2020,(1):17-25
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田 杰1,殷玲燕2,靳景玉1 (1.重庆工商大学 长江上游经济研究中心重庆 400067 2.重庆工商大学 财政金融学院,重庆 400067) 
中文关键词:农产品众筹  融资达成率  质量信号  投资人参与  项目经济性
Impact of Quality Signal, Investor Participation and Project Economy on the Achievement Rate of Crowdfunding of Agricultural Products ——Data Based on 884 Agricultural Crowdfunding Projects on the Crowdfunding Network
Abstract:On the basis of investors' demand and the characteristics of agricultural products, this paper uses the data of 884 agricultural crowdfunding projects from a crowdfunding platform, and analyzed the achievement rate of agricultural products crowdfunding projects from 3 aspects of quality signal, investor participation, project economy. The results show that the "herding effect" in agricultural products is significant compared with the quality signal, and the target financing amount is negatively correlated with the achievement rate of agricultural crowdfunding. Further research finds that when the initiator has project experience, the investor pays more attention to the time cost; while the initiator has no project experience, the investor pays more attention to the financing cost, and the target financing amount significantly negatively affects the quality of management, and has an impact on the achievement rate of agricultural crowdfunding. In order to improve the achievement rate of agricultural crowdfunding, the initiator should accumulate project experience and social capital, improve project economy, and the platform should establish and improve the high quality project screening mechanism, improve the platform's visibility, and guide the positive "herding effect".
keywords:agricultural product  crowdfunding rate  quality signal  investor participation  economic feasibility of project y
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