引用本文:方 放,康儿丽.高技术产业团体标准利益分配失衡与政府对策:基于分配正义视角[J].财经理论与实践,2019,(6):122-128
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方 放,康儿丽 (湖南大学 公共管理学院湖南 长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:高技术产业  团体标准  利益分配失衡  分配正义  政府对策
The Imbalance in Benefits Distribution of Group Standards in High-Technology Industry and Government Countermeasures:A Perspective of Distributive Justice
Abstract:Based on the theory of distributive justice and with due principle and equal principle as the core, this paper reveals the imbalance of benefit distribution of group standards makers and users in high-technology industry (HTI) in terms of four aspects of behavior due, rule due, opportunity equality and equality based on difference principle. Then, through a case study of the practice of Korean government, it puts forward that in order to coordinate the benefit relations contained in group standards in HTI, Chinese governments are expected to adopt four countermeasures of promoting the benefits deriving from behavior due, safeguarding the due benefits of rules, protecting rights of equal opportunities and supporting vulnerable entities to strive for benefits. These strategies will contribute to realizing the justice in interests distribution and ultimately propelling the improvement of economic quality and efficiency.
keywords:high-technology industry  group standards  imbalance of benefits distribution  distributive justice  government countermeasures
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