引用本文:龙 立 1,2,龚光明 1.投资者情绪对上市公司业绩快报自愿披露行为的影响——基于盈余管理部分中介效应的研究[J].财经理论与实践,2019,(6):85-90
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龙 立 1,2,龚光明 1 (1.湖南大学 工商管理学院湖南 长沙 4100822.湖南工商大学 会计学院湖南 长沙 410205) 
中文关键词:投资者情绪  业绩快报  自愿性披露  盈余管理  迎合理论
The Influence of Investor Sentiment on Voluntary Disclosure of Listed Companies' Performance Express:A Study Based on Partial Mediating Effect of Earnings Management
Abstract:Based on the perspective of comprehensive application of various accounting strategies, this paper explores the mediating effect of earnings management behavior in the process of investor sentiment affecting the disclosure of performance express. The study found that the greater the degree of positive earnings management in the annual reports of a company, the greater the possibility of disclosing performance express, and for profitable companies, the promoting effect of high investor sentiment on performance express disclosure is partly mediated by earnings management strategy, while for loss companies, high investor sentiment will directly inhibit the disclosure of performance express, indirect positive effect of high investor sentiment on the disclosure of performance express through earnings management strategies will be suppressed by the more powerful negative direct impact. The above conclusions are helpful to understand the interaction between different information disclosure strategies of listed companies, and to further clarify the mechanism of investor sentiment on different information disclosure strategies of listed companies.
keywords:investor sentiment  performance express  voluntary disclosure  earning management  catering theory
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