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李时琼 (湖南大学 法学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:网络借贷  金融创新  监管制度
Reflection on the Network Lending Supervision System and Reconstruction of Its Concept
Abstract:As a new generation of microfinance and microfinance, online lending is seen as a powerful tool for achieving fair value in inclusive finance and finance. Online lending is a product of financial innovation, which has both financial and Internet-related characteristics, which means that online lending begins with risks. Due to the dynamic game relationship between financial innovation and regulation, it is necessary to accurately locate the role of the regulatory layer in the development of online lending. A good regulatory scale needs to take into account both “efficiency” and “security”. The supervision of Internet finance should generally reflect openness, inclusiveness and effectiveness. A good regulatory scale needs to take into account both “efficiency” and “security”. The supervision of Internet finance should generally reflect openness, inclusiveness and effectiveness. Interms of specific system desigh, we should respond by chanying the supervision moob, improving the leyal system, enhancing prefessional ability and improving the credit investigation system.
keywords:Online lending  Financial innovation  Regulatory system
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