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张志彬 (湖南科技大学 商学院湖南 湘潭411201) 
中文关键词:生产性服务业  工业竞争力  城市群  全面FGLS
Research on the Impact of Producer Services Agglomeration on the Promotion of Industrial Competitiveness: An Analysis of Panel Data Based on Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration
Abstract:The Marshall externalities and Jacobs externalities brought about by the agglomeration of producer services are conducive to the development of economy of scale, the reduction of operating costs of industrial enterprises, the development of specialized economies and the improvement of innovation capabilities of industrial enterprises, thus enhancing the competitiveness of the whole industry. Using the comprehensive FGLS method, this paper explores the impact of the agglomeration of producer services on industrial competitiveness of nine cities in the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration from 2003 to 2017. The results show that the agglomeration of producer services has a significant promoting effect on the competitiveness of industrial enterprises, reflecting a positive contribution to the profitability of industrial enterprises. The contribution of logistics industry, financial industry, technology service industry and business service industry to the profit margin of industrial enterprises decreases in turn, which indicates that the support role of traditional production industry is greater at this stage. Constructing national value chain, reducing dependence on foreign investment, increasing investment in science and education, and promoting infrastructure construction are also conducive to enhancing industrial competitiveness.
keywords:Producer services  Mndustrial competitiveness  Urban agglomeration  FGLS
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