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何昱1,李梦祎2 (1.湖南大学 经济与贸易学院湖南 长沙410079 2.中国人民大学 汉青经济与金融高级研究院北京100872) 
中文关键词:大学扩招  人力资本  城市产业结构升级
The Impact of College Enrolment Expansion on Regional Industrial Upgrading
Abstract:To identify the impact of increasing number of college graduates on regional industrial upgrading, this paper gives a proof by using "Sophistication Index" and 286 Chinese cities' panel data from 2003-2013. The regression result shows that college enrolment expansion has a positive effect on regional industrial upgrading. Adding interaction terms to the regression model, we find there are different impacts on cities of different scales. In medium-sized cities, more FDI and higher level of marketization will facilitate college graduates to absorb new technology and enhance their innovation abilities. In big-sized cities, specialization is significant. It facilities college graduates to make full use of their majors in college. The policy suggestion for municipal government is to keep opening up to attract more FDI, and to improve the level of marketization and specialization in cities.
keywords:College enrolment expansion  Human capital  Regional industrial upgrading
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