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鞠方1,李文君2,于静静3 (1.湘潭大学 商学院 湖南 湘潭411105
2.长沙学院 经济与管理学院 湖南 长沙410022
3.北京大学 深圳研究生院 广东 深圳518055) 
中文关键词:房价  城市规模  工资性收入差距  两步SYS-GMM
Housing Price, Population Scale and the Wage Income Gap——An Empirical Test Based on the Panel Data of 32 Large and Medium-sized Cities in China
Abstract:Based on the panel data of 32 large and medium-sized cities in China from 2002 to 2015, this paper extended Matlack & Vigdor's model, and considered the relationship between housing price, city size and wage income gap. The results showed that higher housing prices will reduce urban income gap of wages measured by the Gini coefficient, but when the city scale is at a relatively large level, the rise in housing prices will widen the wage income gap; the extension of the population scale can significantly narrow the wage income gap, but if the urban housing price has been at a high level, the continued expansion of the urban scale will increase the wage income gap.
keywords:Housing prices  Population scale  Wage income gap  Two-step System GMM
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