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郭新华,江河 (湘潭大学 商学院,湖南 湘潭411105) 
中文关键词:子女数量  家庭负债  已婚女性就业
Child Care, Household Liabilities and Married Women's Employment-Micro-empirical Study ——Based on Becker Family Decision-making Model
Abstract:Child care and household liabilities have an important impact on the employment choices of married women. In this paper, on the basis of Becker family decision-making model, a decision-making model of "child care-leisure-employment" utility of married women under the constraint of assets and liabilities is established. By using the data of CFPS in 2016, it is found that child care has a negative effect on the employment probability and weekly working time of married women. And the family's bank liability has negative regulation effect on the relationship between the child care and the married female employment. In the context of the policy of encouraging female fertility, the government needs to take a comprehensive account of the burden of care for children and the restraint of household liabilities, and to develop more effective employment security policies for married women.
keywords:Quantity of children  Household liabilities  Married women's employment
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