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胡珺1,代明1,胡芊芊2 (1.海南大学 管理学院海南 海口570228 2.密歇根大学 罗斯商学院密歇根 安娜堡48109) 
中文关键词:董事高管责任保险  公司治理观  机会主义观  商业信用
The Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance and Trade Credit
Abstract:Based on the corporate governance and opportunism concept of directors' and officers' liability insurance, this paper taking samples of A-share listed companies from 2003 to 2017, examine the impact of directors' and officers' liability insurance on corporate commercial credit. The study found that directors' and officers' liability insurance helps to improve the level of access to commercial credit, which support the directors' and officers' liability insurance's corporate governance concept. Further research found that, directors' and officers' liability insurance has a more positive impact on corporate commercial credits in higher quality internal control and non-state-owned enterprises; directors' and officers' liability insurance help enterprises obtain more commercial credit when external policy uncertainty is greater and financial development level is lower.
keywords:Directors' and officers' liability insurance  Corporate governance  Manage opportunism  Trade credit
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