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侯旭华,彭娟 (湖南工商大学 会计学院湖南 长沙410205) 
中文关键词:互联网保险公司  财务风险  预警  熵值法  功效系数法
Research on Financial Risk Early Warning of the Internet Insurance Company Based on Entropy Method and Efficacy Coefficient Method
Abstract:Based on the 2017 report data of four professional Internet insurance companies, the financial risk warning of internet insurance companies is judged by the entropy method and the efficacy coefficient method. According to the financial risk,the results which are ranked from low to high, are zhong'an, Yi'an , Taikang, and Anxin; their early warning results of financial risk are low-level warning, low-level warning, low-level warning, and medium level warning. The reason that Anxin has the greatest financial risk lies in low liquidity of its assets, limited premium income, high comprehensive cost rate and serious loss. Therefore, the premium receivable should be reduced, the product structure should be adjusted, the source of premium income should be widened, the service fee on the consulting and technology should be reduced.
keywords:Internet insurance company  Financial risk  Early warning  Entropy method  Efficacy coefficient method
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