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赛铮 (桂林电子科技大学 法学院广西 桂林541004) 
中文关键词:保险监管  系统性风险  宏观审慎监管
Risk Traceability and Regulatory Innovation of Insurance Systemic Risks
Abstract:In recent years, insurance systemic risks and macro-prudential supervision issues have gradually received attention. At present, China's insurance regulatory measures have begun to gradually introduce systemic risks into the scope of supervision. However, the existing regulatory rules still cannot effectively prevent the resolution of systemic risks. To this end, the institutional roots of China's systemic risks are introduced in the dispute analysis of whether there is systemic risk in the insurance industry, exploring the deficiencies and shortcomings of existing regulatory rules for insurance systemic risks. And on this basis, put forward the legalization path of establishing a coordination mechanism for financial institutions, initiate insurance macro-prudential supervision related legislation as soon as possible and integrating the use of new technology with insurance macro-prudential supervision practices to improve insurance macro-prudential supervision.
keywords:Insurance supervision  Systemic risk  Macro-prudential supervision
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