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龙海明,邹汉铮,朱建 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:信用风险  随机森林  变量重要性  逻辑回归
Research on Credit Risk of Mobile Phone Stage Comsumption Loan——An Empirical Analysis Based on RF-Logistic Model
Abstract:Identifying default factors of mobile phone installment consumer loan is the key to prevent credit risk of consumer loan business. This paper proposes a two-stage model which combines stochastic forest (RF) and logistic regression. The model reveals the importance of risk characteristics from the perspective of data mining, and interprets the benchmark logic of heterogeneous customer credit default by combining measurement methods. The results show that the length of network access, the number of contacts, the monthly flow of customers, and the length of terminal are the important characteristic variables affecting the credit risk of mobile phone installment consumer loans, and the marginal impact is -0.039%, 3.18%, 0.01% and -1.06%. The model has strong generalization ability and accuracy rate of 74%. It provides decision support for the construction of individual credit risk early warning system step by step.
keywords:Credit risk  Random forest  Importance of variables  Logistic regression
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