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高鹏飞1,2,辛灵3,孙文莉4 (1.北京理工大学 管理与经济学院北京100081 2.中国民生银行 民银智库北京1000833.北京大学 经济学院北京100871 4.北京外国语大学 国际商学院北京100089) 
中文关键词:对外直接投资  投资政策  制度创新  “一带一路”
Chinese OFDI in 70 Years: Development Course, Theoretical Logic and Policy System
Abstract:It has been found that China's foreign direct investment has struggled to explore, try to develop, adjust, develop rapidly and comprehensively since the founding of the People's Republic of China 70 years ago. Motivation changes have a profound impact on location and industry changes, and institutional innovation is a unique driver of China's foreign direct investment. Chinese OFDI will surely successfully meet the challenge of "counter-globalization". At the same time, according to the practice history and theory, we will draw up a corresponding structural map of the FDI policy structure. In view of the functional deficiencies in the policy system, we propose that China should strengthen its legal system for FDI and strengthen its supporting policies for FDI. We will effectively support private enterprises to invest abroad, improve the investment performance of state-owned enterprises, and enhance the ability of the government and enterprises to participate in international rule-making.
keywords:OFDI  Investment policy  Institutional innovation  "Belt and Road"
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