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周建军,孙倩倩 (湘潭大学 商学院湖南 湘潭〓411105) 
中文关键词:货币政策  M2增长率  同业拆借利率  存款准备金  房地产金融风险
Research on the Impact of Monetary Policy on Real Estate Financial Risk——Empirical Analysis Based on SVAR Model and Threshold Model
Abstract:This paper explore the relationship between monetary policy and real estate financial risk, which is measured by means of the principal component analysis method, with SVAR model and threshold model. The empirical results show that the change of monetary policy will impact the real estate financial risk. Among them, there is a bi-directional causal relationship between M2 growth rate and real estate financial risk, and there is a one-way causal relationship between interbank lending rate and reserve rate and real estate financial risk. The impact of monetary policy shock on real estate financial risk is asymmetric at different housing price levels. When Adjusting monetary policy, we should pay attention to the profit and loss, avoid the ups and downs, and aggravate the financial risk of real estate.
keywords:Monetary policy  M2 growth rate  Interbank lending rate  Deposit reserve  Real estate financial risk
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