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丁〓骋〓骋 (浙江财经大学 金融学院浙江 杭州〓310018) 
中文关键词:民间借贷纠纷  债务催收  田野调查  “边缘策略”
A Field Investigation and Economic Analysis on Debt Collection of Informal Finance:an Approach from Regulation
Abstract:How do the underground debt collection markets of informal finance operate? Why do gangsterized phenomena frequently occur in debt collection? How can such threat be prevented and such markets regulated? To answer these questions, field investigations are, firstly, widely carried out in the eastern, central and western parts of China. Then, the disputes resulted in debt collection of interpersonal lending obligations are analyzed based on the game theory. And finally, suggestions are propounded referring to overseas lessons. The major contribution of this paper is to reveal featured facts about debt collection markets of informal finance, meanwhile analyzing the causes of gangsterized trend in debt collection of interpersonal obligation disputes. In our country, the prohibition of "debt collection corporations" by law practically intensifies this trend to some extent, so, it is necessary to consider legalizing and normalizing the debt collection industry through legislation.
keywords:Interpersonal lending obligation dispute  Debt collection  Field work  Brinkmanship
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