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张亚斌1,熊雅澜1,杨翔宇1,2 (1.湖南大学 经济与贸易学院,湖南 长沙 410082 2.黔南民族师范学院贵州 都匀 558000) 
中文关键词:中美贸易  全球价值链  制造业就业  服务业就业
Re-evaluation of the Impact of China-US Trade on Employment in the United States—— A Perspective of Global Value Chain
Abstract:Based on the input/output data and SEA employment data from 2000 to 2014 in WIOD database, this paper remeasures the driving and crowding-out effects of China-US trade on American employment from the perspective of global value chain and export value-added decomposition theory. The results show that the number of local manufacturing jobs driven by the United States direct exports to China is higher than that of the service industry; as for the employment crowding, China's exports to the United States mainly squeeze out the knowledge-intensive manufacturing industry in the United States, and employment crowding in other types of industries is relatively small; the overall effect of China-US trade on US employment is positive, and China-US trade has a certain role in promoting US manufacturing and total employment.
keywords:China-US trade  Global value chain  Manufacturing employment  Service employment
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