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于连超,张卫国,毕茜 (西南大学 经济管理学院重庆400715) 
中文关键词:环境执法监督  环保约谈  企业绿色创新  融资约束  代理成本
The Impact of Environmental Law Enforcement Supervision on Enterprises' Corporate Green Innovation
Abstract:This article takes the environmental protection talks system as an opportunity to examine the impact of environmental law enforcement supervision on corporate green innovation based on the theory of legitimacy and compliance. The study finds that: Environmental Law enforcement supervision effectively promotes the corporate green innovation, that is, environmental protection talks significantly improve the level of corporate green innovation in the interviewed areas. After expansive inspection and analysis, it finds that the promotion mainly reflects in low financing constraints enterprises and low agency cost enterprises. After exploring the impact mechanism, it finds that Environmental Law enforcement supervision promotes the corporate green innovation by improving the corporate environmental costs, environmental penalties, and corporate environmental investment.
keywords:Environmental Law enforcement supervision  environmental protection talks  corporate green innovation  financing constraints  agency cost
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