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宋丹丹,张岳松 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙 410079) 
中文关键词:可转换债券  债务协商  运营时滞  投资水平
Investment with Convertible Bond and Implementation Lags under Debt Renegotiation
Abstract:This paper introduces debt renegotiation into convertible debt financing, and analyses debt renegotiation effects on investment under implementation lags. The main finding is that debt renegotiation can have substantially effects on investment under implementation lags. First, under same implementation lags, if the equity holders' bargaining power is strong (weak), the investment threshold under debt renegotiation is higher (lower) than the investment threshold under bankruptcy. Second, the investment cost on the first stage and equity holders' bargaining power have effects on the relation between implementation lags and investment threshold. With implementation lags getting longer, when the cost of first stage is low, strong (weak) bargaining power will delay (accelerate) investment; when the cost of first stage is high, investment will be delayed, but the stronger equity holders' bargaining power is, the lower degree of delay. Last, debt renegotiation can increase real options value, and it is proportional to equity holders' bargaining power, and inversely proportional to implementation lags.
keywords:convertible bond  debt renegotiation  investment  implementation lags
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