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左思明,朱明侠 (对外经济贸易大学 国际经济贸易学院北京 100029) 
中文关键词:投资便利化  “一带一路”倡议  对外直接投资
The Measure and Evaluation of Investment Facilitation of "Belt & Road" Countries and China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment
Abstract:This paper systematically constructs the measure system of investment facilitation, and use the principal component analysis to evaluate the level of investment facilitation by 48 "Belt & Road" countries. Base on the score of investment facilitation, we establish the fixed effect model and analyze the impact of investment facilitation on China's foreign direct investment in 48 countries we selected from 2008 to 2016. The research manifests that the level of investment facilitation, GDP, and population have a positive significant effect on China's OFDI, however the distance between investment country and host country shows negative effect on OFDI. Therefore, China should improve the investment facilitation of "Belt & Road" countries through promoting the infrastructure construction, and then strength the development of regional integration, so that it will stimulate the multinational enterprises to invest in "Belt & Road" countries.
keywords:investment facilitation  Belt & Road Initiative  outward foreign direct investment
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