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黄志雄1,琚悦琦2 (1.浙江财经大学 会计学院 浙江 杭州 310018
2. 浙江财经大学 数据科学学院浙江 杭州 310018) 
中文关键词:政府会计  权责发生制  综合财务报告  国际经验
Research on the International Comparison of Accrual-based Accounting Reform
Abstract:This article intends to emphasize the key factors in the reform through analyzing different countries experience about accrual-based government accounting reform combined with the reform path and effects. The results show that: the expectations of accrual accounting reform and target setting distortion, limitation in the adaption of fiscal management system, organizational culture and human resources management, have become important factors which lead to the reform failure. Thus, according to the findings above, we provide following four suggestions: setting specific objectives;releasing consolidated statement;combining with the reform of financial system;strengthening the training of human resources and the improvement of IT support.
keywords:Government accounting  Accrual-based accounting  Consolidated report  International experience
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