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欧阳天皓,卢晓勇 (南昌大学 管理学院江西 南昌 330031) 
中文关键词:套利价值  有效市场假说  支持向量机  证券市场  SVM  VaP
A New Method to Evaluate Stock Market's Stability Under the Background of Financial Security——Research of Value at Profit Evaluation and Prediction Based on Support Vector Machine with Big Data
Abstract:Chinese stock market has opened for decades. It grows and conquers obstacles. But compare with sophisticated market in developed country, Chinese market has more to achieve. For instance, its market value does not match Chinese economic growth. This research surveys the trading data from 2002 to 2017, and using support vector machine to predict the index change. By statistical error analysis, this paper concludes: Shanghai Stock Exchange is less stable than Nasdaq; Value at profit (Vap) can be a straightforward approach to value the maturity/stable of a financial market.
keywords:Value at profit  Efficient market hypothesis  Support vector machine  Stock market  SVM  VaP
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