引用本文:朱慧明,段 容,贾相华.原油价格与经济政策不确定性对大宗商品市场非对称冲击效应研究[J].财经理论与实践,2019,(1):70-76
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朱慧明,段 容,贾相华 (湖南大学 工商管理学院湖南长沙 410082) 
中文关键词:原油价格  经济政策不确定性  大宗商品市场  非对称性  分位回归
Asymmetric Effects of Crude Oil Price and Economic Policy Uncertainty on Commodity Market
Abstract:In order to explore the impact of global crude oil price and economic policy uncertainty on commodity market under different market conditions, we establish the panel quantile regression model. And sub-samples were compared before and after the financial crisis to analyze the difference of this effect, focusing on the analysis of the impact of positive and negative oil price shocks on China's bulk commodities. The results show that the impact of oil price shocks on China's commodity is asymmetric during the full sample, and positive and negative oil price shocks have a positive effect on them. However, as the market environment improves, the effect of positive oil price shocks gradually increases, while the effect of negative oil prices gradually weakens. The impact of economic policy uncertainty on commodity returns has a catalytic effect in the normal market environment and an inhibitory effect in the bull market environment. Before and after the crisis, there was an asymmetric effect of the impact of oil price shocks on commodity returns. The influence of policy uncertainty plays an inhibitory role in the bear market environment and plays a catalytic role in the bull market environment. Its role is greater before the crisis than after the crisis.
keywords:Crude oil price  Economic policy uncertainty  Commodity markets  Asymmetric effects  Quantile regression
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