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张军伟,张锦华,吴方卫 (上海财经大学 财经研究所,上海 200433) 
中文关键词:施用强度  影响因素  政策诉求  逆向选择
Economic Analysis of High Intensity Application of Pesticides in Grain Production in China
Abstract:Based on survey from thousand villages by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, the damage-abatement production function model is established, and the effects of various factors on pesticide application behavior in grain production are empirically tested. The study shows that the three factors such as market income, government intervention and farmers' characteristics all affect the application of pesticides. Based on this, we further analyze the policy demands of farmers, and get the conclusion: farmers with high pesticide intensity were less satisfied with technical guidance than those who used low pesticide intensity. This adverse selection further increases the difficulty of pesticide abuse governance.
keywords:application strength  influence factor  policy appeals  adverse selection
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