引用本文:马亚芳1,邹 克2,倪青山1.利率上浮及其与贷款基准利率的关系探究[J].财经理论与实践,2018,(2):16-21
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马亚芳1,邹 克2,倪青山1 (1. 湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙 4100792. 广东金融学院 科技金融重点实验室广东 广州 510521) 
中文关键词:利率上浮  贷款基准利率  贷款利率  利率政策
Interest Rate Floating Range and Its Relation with Benchmark Interest Rate
Abstract:This paper calculates the floating rate of 1-3 year loan interest rate in 31 provinces in year 2005-2015, and explores the relationship between the loan interest rate and benchmark interest rate using statistical analysis and panel model. The results show that: the floating rate of loan interest rate and benchmark lending rates are negatively correlated, the floating rate of loan interest rate began to rise rapidly since 2010; the floating rate of loan interest rate has obvious regional heterogeneity; The benchmark interest rate policy has a significant transfer effect on the loan interest rate in Beijing and Shanghai, the transfer effect on other areas is relatively small; With the passage of time, the People's Bank of China's benchmark interest rate policy is becoming more and more inefficient. The policy implications are as follows: in order to play the benchmark interest rate policy effectively, adjusting the benchmark interest rate should be in the appropriate range, the People's Bank of China should strengthen macro prudential management ability of local commercial banks, at the same time, the adjustment of the benchmark interest rate should be in line with the quantitative monetary policy.
keywords:interest rate floating  benchmark interest rate  loan interest rate  interest rate policy
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