引用本文:乔 鹏 程1,2.回归金融本质:互联网金融创新与“e租宝”案[J].财经理论与实践,2018,(1):19-26
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乔 鹏 程1,2 (1.天津财经大学 商学院天津 300222 2.西藏民族大学 财经学院陕西 咸阳 712082) 
中文关键词:互联网金融  e租宝  金融风险  金融创新  知识图谱  内部控制  区块链
Research on the Nature of Return to Finance, Internet Financial Innovation and “e Rent Treasure”
Abstract:Internet financial innovation is an important area of "entrepreneurship and innovation". "e-Rent Treasure" case studies have proved that the growth of the Internet financial platform explodes while accumulating many kinds of risks. Internet financial innovation should return to the financial nature. According to the market chain theory, the high risk points of Internet finance is divided into six risk blocks, such as, the internal control risk of management and technology, ultra high interest commitment credit risk, the low asset customer assessment risk, the risk of regulatory ecology, the weak risk of the original capital book and the risk of information transfer between modules. Internet technology is only a means to solve the information asymmetry of financial business. Internet financial risks can be structured to prevent from the perspective of financial nature.
keywords:internet finance  e-Rent treasure  financial risk  financial innovation  knowledge map  internal control  block chain
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